Partner Organisations

European Solidarity Corps : Quality Label

Member of the European and international mobility collective of the Pyrénées-Orientales.

General objectives of the collective :

Better communication and information on international mobility schemes and provide support for young people, especially those who are furthest from mobility.

Member of Agile Learning Centers are an expanding network of intentional learning communities leveraging agile tools to support Self-Directed Education

Agile Learning Centers

Member of the European Democratic Education Community, EUDEC

Member of the Institute of International Neurodidactics, INI

Member of the Alternative Education Resource Organization

The Alternative Education Resource Organization (AERO) was founded in 1989 by Jerry Mintz. AERO's goal is to advance student-driven, learner-centered approaches to education. AERO is considered by many to be the primary hub of communications and support for educational alternatives around the world.

AERO's mission is to help create an education revolution to make student-centered alternatives available to everyone.

L’Ă©cole Agile et Julien Perron, crĂ©ateur de l’école de la vie et du festival pour l’école de la vie -RĂ©alisateur et producteur du documentaire “C’est quoi le bonheur pour vous?”

Second Congress Innovation in Education

COLIBRIS un movement citoyen

Les Colibris is made up of individuals who invent, experiment and cooperate.